

Patti Castagne is a photographic artist living on Long Island, New York. Her work has been featured in exhibitions in the United States and local publications. She began photography about 10 years ago as a tool to heal from the experience of PTSD from the military and 9-11. Photography provides a means of meditation to come into the moment by simply looking through the viewfinder. That view provides a grounding, the ability to just be in that place and capture whatever she is feeling or experiencing in that moment. It can also bring her to a peaceful place if she is in another moment; another time. Outside noises and distractions cease except for the sounds right here.

She was previously a business analyst in the financial sector for over 20 years. She plans to take her business experience and love of photography and continue to create beautiful landscapes to assist in the healing of self and others through workshops for survivors, veterans and photography lovers. Patti studied the fine art of Photography at Long Island University and graduated with her BFA in Photography and minor in Art History in 2019..

Photography has unsealed the right side of her brain to heal and has allowed the artist to emerge.